Monday, November 29, 2010

December 15th 1863

Johnsons Island Sandusky Ohio

Tuesday evening Dec 15th 1863

Dear Sallie,

Yours of the 10th I received this afternoon and hasten to reply. Thanks to the good Lord I am again enjoying good health and trust it may continue so. I wrote to you on Sunday last not in answer to any letter of yours, but because I wished to let you know how I was getting on. yours of the 1st I answered, you can tell Bowers I have received no letter from him and feel sorry that it should have been miscarried but that I appreciate the kindness as much as if I had received the money, tell him to send me some smoking tobacco if he can possibly get it. any kind as I expect it is hard to get and I will be obliged to him and so Shell has received the money well I expect he needed it much. I stated in my answer to yours of the 1st to send me some stamps occasonaly do not forget it. I am glad t learn your Pa is looking so well it is strange I do not hear form him as Bowers has spoken about sending me clothing I will try him, as I want an overcoat. you need not mention it to him in fact do not say anything to him about the tobacco either, as I will write to him. I will write and send it by the same mail, if when you receive this he has not heard from me tell him I have written give my love to your Ma and all home kiss Ida & Lucy for me Yours Henry

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